萊利海灘的第一次攀岩經驗. First-time Learn figure 8 knot and rock climbing at Railay beach

(Please scroll down for English reading)

去泰國還可以做什麼? 攀岩嗎?!! Yes!
我也是, 第一次嘗試, 很緊張...老公還以為我爬兩三下就會喊  "放我下來吧~~~", 沒想到我撑過去了. 我也覺得不可思議. 雖然看別人輕鬆地上去, 卻覺得我好像做不到, 看起來就很恐怖啊, XD. 你/妳也想試試看嗎? 我整理了攀岩時的影片, 包括一開始必需依教練的指導後, 自己親自打出一個'8字結'.

我們選到 King Climbers 這一家, 蠻幸運的, 我們的教練給予適當的指導, 隨時注意安全, 在我們'卡關'時一直鼓勵我們繼續. 希望這些教練永遠這麼有精神地協助來攀岩的人.

住宿在奧南海灘, King Climbers 會來接送. 途中還會再去接其他客人, 這個部份, 可能會花半小時或一小時. 如果每個人都準時地在自己飯店的大廳等候, 就能省下接送的時間. 也請大家特別記住自己的住房號碼, 一般來接的人會在大廳叫出房間號碼, 聽到自己房間號碼時, 請儘快出聲應答. 有時候來接的人會叫名字, 但很多時候不會叫名字, 只會叫房間號碼.  客人接齊了, 會載往一個港口, 再搭長尾船去萊利海灘. 搭船時間不長, 大約十來分鐘吧.

接齊了大約12位客人, 到了萊利海灘的店家後, 我們和其他人總共8個人是完全沒經驗或只有一點點經驗的人, 我們8個人被分到2位教練, 2條初階攀岩路線, 一個教練帶4個人. 爬完一條路線後, 再到另一個教練位置爬第二條路線.

攀岩時, 教練會不時在下面大聲告訴你/妳應該把手、腳放在那裡. 不過, 現場還有其他教練在'叫導'他們的學員, 必須要專心一點才能聽好自己教練給的指令. 另外, 因為人在上面, 臉很靠近岩壁, 眼睛能看到的範圍會比較受限, 加上緊張, 有時候不一定能馬上就摸到/找到教練告訴的位置. 沒關係, 需要的時候, 深呼吸一口氣, 慢慢來! 教練不會趕人, 如果需要休息, 只要告訴下面的教練, 不在意的話, 也可以'吊懸'在半空中先休息一下.

有緣和我這一團中的一個女孩聊天. 她有過幾次室內的攀岩經驗, 但她覺得戶外攀岩是完全不同的經驗, 有種跳級的感覺, 很大的挑戰, 非常值得一試.


不過, 如果平日完全沒有運動或健身習慣的人, 恐怕享受不了攀岩的興奮感和樂趣...

一般攀岩商家除了攀岩繩具, 也會準備攀岩鞋, 請比較在意衛生的人, 記得自備襪子!

我們選擇半天行程, 爬了兩條路線, 對我們而言, 技巧還不足的情況下, 差不多也耗盡體力, 沒力再試進階路線.  有機會的話再挑戰吧!


First-time rock climbing, Railay beach (Review of King Climbers)

Our instructors were encouraging, safety focused and gave us good instructions... (if I remember it right, they were Jack and Lee..?).They walked us through the figure 8 knot and made sure our knots were good to go. This was our first rock climbing, we'd never done any climbing, not even the indoor kind. They answered our questions well. I hope they be always helpful to others.

During pick-up, there were like 12 people but we were separated according to experience level. Eight people were assigned to two instructors for beginner routes. Each instructor took 4 beginners. When finished one route, we were exchanged to the other group for different route. I think if you feel good after beginner routes (still have energy), and there's time left, they will let you challenge the intermediate or even advanced routes. As first rock climbers, we only signed up half day. We used arms/hands a lot and ran out of grip strength quickly...no energy to do more routes. In fact, most of people in our group felt the need to take a break after 2 routes.

I talked with a girl in my group who had done a few indoor climbing and she said outdoor climbing was totally a different experience worthy to try it as it's more challenging.

The instructors would shout out telling you where to put your hands/feet to help you ascend. Since there were also other instructors talking to other group members, you need to stay focused hearing the voice from your own instructor.

Reminder: Bring your own socks to put on the shoes they provided if you care hygiene.

Railay beach is absolutely the choice of first-time rock climbers.  However, if you are not a regular exerciser, you probably would feel extremely difficult and won't enjoy the excitement and the fun part of the rock climbing.  ...Good luck! ;)
