Chatuchak (JJ) market & Arun restaurant (2013. 9.28)

Chatuchak (JJ) market and The Deck
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交通很簡單, 只要搭BTS 到 Mochit , 
天橋上就可看到人潮. 跟著人潮走就對了. 
每次來逛, 至少要半天才逛得盡興.
建議第一次要去的人去 看一下地圖和分區.

泰國椰子冰淇淋, 想念中~
天氣熱, 逛街是很累的, 但這裡有好多吃的喝的,

令我驚訝的是, JJ 是禁止吸煙的.
 看到一個外國人點煙, 馬上被旁邊的攤販勸阻.🙌 
也是, 天氣够熱了, 少點烏煙瘴氣大家更好逛.

交通顛峯時間, 談價泰銖170載到Arun. 
司機不太知道路,還好一上車我們就開手機google map,

The Deck 餐廳
出發1個月前, 我們就先預訂Arun Residence 所經營的 The Deck 餐廳的晚餐, 這樣才有3樓的好位置.🙏

吃完後, 天色已暗, 有幾台計程車在餐廳外道路等載客, 喴價泰铢250-200,堅持不肯降價. 覺得他們太貪了, 決定再走一些路去叫路上跑的計程車. 結果運氣不錯,招到的計程車是跑哩數計價的, 回到 Siam Square時, 只要泰銖79. 覺得司機很老實,就直接給100! 大家都開心.

終於整理了最近一次去泰國玩的一點兒資訊, 第一次啊(不知道會不會繼續. 呵)! 以前一直想, 都沒時間... 要旅行前我習慣google 和參考 tripadvisor. 網路上找訊息很方便, 可以依需要找想要的訊息和找最新、最近期的資訊. 有些人是常期性的部落客, 也有的只是偶一發文, 不論幾個人路過看到, 都很認真地記錄著, 純粹的分享, 讓正在找資訊的我覺很窩心. 

每個人旅行中發生和碰到的事都不盡相同, 每個人看的重點也不一樣, 不同故事, 這裡一點那裡一點的資訊, 加強燃燒旅行的慾望, 也幫助我計畫適合自己的旅程. 由大家分享的遊記(文字、照片、影片),我多多少少跟著他們先神遊旅遊地點. 

整理照片的同時, 讓我再回味一次旅行後, 就可以把這個回憶好好地放在心裡, 等老了再拿來看看. 然後, 再準備下一個吧!  照片+影片,包括怎麼去, 大概花多少錢,我們看/吃/玩了什麼,景點特色的資訊放在上面 youtube 連結中. 整理很耗時間, 可是,是自己的回憶, 還是開心地完成它. 可敲連結和影片中的'關於'. 

EASY to go! Just take BTS and get off Mochit station. You could find more information about the transportation on Chatuchak official web page. 

It is a weekend market, so plan your trip well. JJ market is very big and we stayed for 5 hours...still not enough!! Many stuffs to shop and explore. Many sections and interesting stuff will catch your eyes, watch your steps as it is uncommon to trip over or bump into others due to eyes not on the roads.😎

We walked a lot, so we did foot massage inside of the market, 30 min for 150 bahts (1 hr for 250). 

JJ market is Smoking Free, so no smoking is allowed within the market. I saw a tourist lit up cigarette and immediately corrected by the vendor.  

Nowadays, it's not easy to bargain the price with the vendor. We tried but did not usually get a big difference. 

We put this one on our list when we did pre-travel homework. We booked the restaurant about 1 month ahead of our trip to ensure a table for a nice view (3rd floor). 

The night view including the golden look Wat Arun temple and the neon river boats made this restaurant unique. But, the meal is what I called the real deal here. 

We ordered a river king prawn sweet and spicy salad (forgot the actual dish name) that is truly an unforgettable delicacy, the prawn was cooked just perfect for a springy yet moist texture, together with its sauce it's just wow, wow, wow! ;) We also enjoyed the fried soft crab shells that are so crispy and we left a clean shiny plate in just a few minutes. The lamb in curry paste and one more plate I forgot what it was were all money worthy spent. Dessert (Thai traditional sweets) is just ok though.

After JJ market, we were running a little late for Arun Residence reservation, so we bargained a taxi fee at 170 baht (rush hour) to Arun. The taxi driver speaks little English but he did not know where exactly Arun was and passed it in a wrong route, thanks for google map so we knew where we were. We corrected him and made it in time eventually. When we finished the dinner, it's almost 9 p.m. There were a few taxi stood by on the road and offered 200 to 250 bahts to go to Siam square station and did not agree to lower the price. They're asking too much!!! It's already dark but we did not feel like to pay them, greedy them (though 250 baht is only about USD8). 

We walked  a little bit along the road and got on a taxi that's by meter, and were charged 79 bahts only (we paid 100 baht in the end because we felt the driver is very honest and nice). 

Like my hubby suggested, do not go with the taxi waiting right in front of the tourist spot as they're always waiting for tourist and raise the taxi fee. I mean it's fine to raise a little because they spend time waiting but should offer a price within reasonable range.
