PP島便宜海景麵店. PP island BEST ocean view cheap noodle shop

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在PP島的超便宜海景麵店! 一碗麵60 泰銖, 就坐在海岸邊, 可欣賞土耳其藍的海景, 享受一陣一陣海風, 輕鬆地享用一份簡單的午餐.

PP島有很多小吃或餐飲店位於主要的逛街區街道兩側.  PP島很熱, 如果在不靠海邊的餐廳吃飯, 總覺得空氣滯留、 有種不透氣的感覺, 會吃愈悶熱. 而靠海邊的餐廳, 一般說來, 主打新鮮海產, 當然價格比較貴. 中午因為大部份遊客都出遊, 靠海的餐廳也難做午餐生意, 因此, 他們大多是提供外來遊客短暫停留的簡單自助式餐. 只有這一家小小的麵店, 中午和下午營業, 麵蠻好吃的, 口味不會太重, 還有免費的飲用水可喝. 而且, 就位在海邊. 我們就是被美麗的海景吸引而入座.

Eating in Phi Phi Island: Less than US$2, you have your chicken noodle in a turquoise oceanview eatery, feel the breeze, enjoy Phi Phi summer ambience....Probably nowhere in the world would you find such a noodle shop. ... I know, the portion may be small, but it's not bad a choice for quick lunch. By the way, it's usually very hot in Phi Phi that you easily feel less appetite than usual. Stay hydrated!
