走得泥濘的 Aiea Loop Trail

查過資料, 有人分享 Aiea Loop Trail 能遇見夏威夷原生的鳥種: Apapane、Amakihi 和 ‘Elepaio. 也可能會看到 Marian Swiftlet. 於是, 在連下幾天雨後的天晴日, 我來碰碰運氣吧.

沒有設想到的是, 即便放晴了, 樹林內仍是濕的泥濘地. 因為短暫的天晴還沒辦法讓濕地乾燥. 更糟的是, 來了之後, 飄起毛毛雨, 有幾度的下雨, 讓我不得不收起沒有防水功能的相機和鏡頭. 

下雨天, 有一處小斜山坡變得更滑. 我們穿的普通的運動球鞋完全沒有抓地力, 只能走得特別小心, 專注於眼前的路徑. 還好, 有其他健行者幫忙在斜坡處整理出走道, 讓我們能較不費力地過小斜坡. 

可能是天氣不好, 只有聽見稀稀的鳥叫, 應該是白腰鵲鴝. 但一隻鳥兒的身影都不見...

Aiea Loop Trail: 4.8 miles (7.7Km), Elevation: 900 feet (274M).有幾段路, 伴隨清香的植物草香, 檸檬尤加利樹(lemon eucalyptus trees )的檸檬氣味聞起來好舒服, 好像走入了一座森林香精芬療中心.

防蚊液是必須派上用場的. 水也要準備充足, 畢竟, 7公里的路程, 一般也要走個兩三小時, 需要補充液體.

中間有一個休息平台, 可以看 3號高速公路 (H3) 彎延的美景. 非常適合拍照. (可惜當天下雨... 我必須再找放晴天來了)

Located in Keaiwa Heiau State Park, Aiea Loop Trail is the path that could get really muddy and have many puddles after a rainy day. I was going there hoping to spot some native birds. I at times heard birds chirping but only got to see white rumped shama. Even though I got my feet wet and shoes covered by muds I enjoyed this hiking. I spotted an interesting RING tree (curly tree that looks like a O). A few trees look like eucalyptus trees. Along the hiking, there's occasionally citrus smell and herbal smell, very soothing.
Probably toward the last 1/3 path, there is a small steep slope to climb....it's raining and we did not wear right shoes but luckily 2 ladies kindly worked on the slope making it easier to climb for us. I would like to re-visit on a sunny dry day and hopefully to do some birds photographs.

Ring tree at Aiea Loop Trail in Honolulu

Please visit Division of State Parks: Aiea Loop Trail for more information.
